Elections, Graffiti, Graz, Austria
Apparently not everyone agrees with Franz Voves’s big plans. This poster from the SPÖ Styria (Social Democratic Party) for 2015 state elections was almost always defaced. Rough Translation: Voves 2015: Big plans My Program: Stimulation-Plan Styria My stimulation plan for Styria provides the impetus for: > Regional Development > Working
Joanneumsviertel, Graz, Austria 1
Picture a glass well. Now picture a well within that well. Now picture yourself within that well within a well. Now follow the white rabbit… This Alice in Wonderland concept is located in the Joanneumsviertel (“Joanneum Quarter”). Sunk into the square are 5 large circles that connect 3 of the
Joanneumsviertel, Graz, Austria 2
The eerie, subterranean world of the Joanneumsviertel was created by the Spanish studio Nieto Sobejano and the Austrian firm eep architekten. You can see the original plans in this case study by inexhibit.
Stained Glass, Franziskanerkirche, Graz, Austria 1
It’s hard to miss the Franziskanerkirche – it’s the tall, yellow spire on the river opposite the Kunsthaus. You may wonder why an order devoted to poverty has such a ruddy big tower. Thanks to the Franziskanerkirche’s strategic position near the old city walls, the city authorities decided that it
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Stained Glass, Franziskanerkirche, Graz, Austria 2
It’s a safe bet to say that if you find an Austrian church with 20th century stained glass (like this one and the Stadtpfarrkirche), the windows were blown out by World War Two bombing.